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   Invest Fund Management AD has signed a distribution agreement ...

At the end of August 2014, Invest Fund Management AD has signed a distribution agreement with the Swiss Baca del Sempione SA (https://www.bancasempione.ch) in its capacity of global distributor of all sub-funds of BASE Investments SICAV (https://basesicav.lu). According to the distribution agreement Invest Fund Management AD can offer to potential investor and distribute the shares of sub-funds of BASE Investments SICAV in Bulgaria. The Bulgarian Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) has already included BASE Investments SICAV and its sub-funds in the list of foreign collective investment schemes which offer their shares on the territory of Bulgaria with Invest Fund Management AD as distributor.

BASE Investments SICAV is a Societe d’Investissement a Capital Variable under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, incorporated in 2001. The structure of the investment scheme includes a number of sub-funds which have different investment objectives and offer exposure towards different type of risks (https://basesicav.lu/cmspub/documents.cfm ). The assets and liabilities of each sub-fund of BASE Investments SICAV are separated from each other and are segregated into different shares. The investors have the right to substitute their shares of one sub-fund with the shares of another sub-fund of the SICAV. Key Information for Investors documents for each sub-fund would be published in Bulgarian on the webpage of Invest Fund Management AD soon (www.ifm.bg ). This information is available in English and Italian on the webpage of the SICAV (https://basesicav.lu/cmspub/documents.cfm).

BASE Investments SICAV and all its sub-funds are managed and administered by MDO Management Company S.A, Luxembourg and are regulated by Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) of Luxembourg. The shares of the investment scheme and its sub-funds are held in the custodian bank Edmond de Rothschild, Luxembourg (http://www.edmond-de-rothschild.eu ).

Investors have to keep in mind that the value of shares of Mutual Fund Invest Active, Mutual Fund Invest Classic, Mutual Fund Invest Conservative Fund, Invest Fund Money Market - USD and MF Global Opportunities and the revenue from them could decrease, profit is not guaranteed and the investors take the risk of not recovering the full value of their investments. Investments of shares in Mutual Fund Invest Active and Mutual Fund Invest Classic, Mutual Fund Invest Conservative Fund, Invest Fund Money Market - USD and MF Global Opportunities do have not been guaranteed by a guarantee fund, created by the government or by other institutions. Past results of the Mutual Funds do not guarantee future results.
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