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   Investment Fund Management - a member of BAAMC
Инвест Фонд Мениджмънт АД бе приет за член на Българската Асоциация на Управляващите Дружества /БАУД/ на Общото събрание БАУД, проведено на 21.11.2007г. в гр. София. Българската Асоциация на Управляващите Дружества е професионална организация, която популяризира дейностите по управление на финансови активи, които извършват нейните членове. Нейни основни цели са повишаване на професионализма в бранша и повишаване на доверието във фондовата индустрия.
Investors should keep in mind that the value of the units of Invest Active Mutual Fund, Invest Classic Mutual Fund, Invest Diversified Fund Mutual Fund (former name MF Conservative Fund), Invest Next Mutual Fund (former name MF Green Fund and MF Bonds) and their income may decrease, profits are not guaranteed, and investors take the risk of not recovering their investment in full. Investments in units of Invest Active Mutual Fund, Invest Classic Mutual Fund, Invest Diversified Fund Mutual Fund (old name MF Conservative Fund), Investment Next Fund Mutual Fund (old name Invest Green Fund) Fund” and MF “Investment Bonds”) are not guaranteed by a guarantee fund established by the state or in any other way. The previous results of the activity of each of the Mutual Funds have no connection with the future results of its activity.
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